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$175 (Full Day)
$300 (Full Day + Lodging and Meals)

West Texas holds some of the most dove-rich property in the United States. We use the finest equipment on the market to attract our birds, and everything is included in our hunt price. With the option of lodging and meals, our beautiful accommodations and gourmet meals make for a great weekend getaway. With access to thousands of acres of grain fields, we guarantee success on this thrilling hunting adventure.



$275 (Morning Hunt)
$400 (Morning Hunt + Lodging and Meals)

Our properties have countless ducks to offer for every profession of hunter. We have access to mallard, pintail, red head, wigeon, green-wing teal, gadwall, merganser, canvasback, and ringneck ducks. All duck hunts will take place in the morning over large areas of water. With our wide range of options, we ensure you of an entertaining, thrilling hunt with Western Wing Outfitters!



$350 (Morning Hunt)
$475 (Morning Hunt + Lodging and Meals)

The ribeye of the sky never ceases to amaze us here at Western Wing Outfitters. It is always a privilege to guide hunts for this prehistoric bird, and we would be thrilled to guide you on this adventure. Crane hunts begin in the early morning and take place in crop fields. Our lodge sits just ten miles away from a massive crane feed, making our services convenient and simple!

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